all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9AA 8 0 50.896704 -1.009257
PO8 9AB 8 0 50.898147 -1.010833
PO8 9AD 13 0 50.896821 -1.011416
PO8 9AE 8 0 50.897399 -1.011631
PO8 9AG 27 0 50.897008 -1.013275
PO8 9AL 37 0 50.897644 -1.013005
PO8 9AN 12 0 50.898992 -1.010759
PO8 9AP 16 0 50.899418 -1.011133
PO8 9AR 34 0 50.90007 -1.011717
PO8 9AS 24 0 50.900343 -1.013119
PO8 9AT 48 0 50.899505 -1.012909
PO8 9AU 59 0 50.899261 -1.013839
PO8 9AW 38 0 50.901393 -1.009655
PO8 9AY 37 0 50.901996 -1.031131
PO8 9AZ 23 0 50.901818 -1.030281
PO8 9BA 7 0 50.898734 -1.007849
PO8 9BB 19 0 50.898691 -1.007125
PO8 9BD 42 0 50.897742 -1.007614
PO8 9BE 27 0 50.898783 -1.006255
PO8 9BG 21 0 50.899859 -1.005919